Fighting IBD Naturally
Through diet and lifestyle change
My Journey with Crohn’s Disease
Hi! I’m Nathan. For over 20 years of my life I’ve lived with an incurable and chronic disease... Crohn’s disease.
My hope is that the information presented here will provide doctors, nutritionists, and other clinicians with a case study to consider while providing care. More importantly if you are reading this and dealing with IBD or caring for a loved one who is, my hope is that at a minimum you know that you aren’t alone. I wish I could tell you what has worked for me will also work for you, but I can’t promise you that. The blueprint I’m laying out in my personal story however will hopefully help you find similarities in your journey as well.
I want to make it clearly known that I still have Crohn’s disease and still deal with symptoms daily but those symptoms are now much more controlled and understood - naturally - not through medication and surgery but through nutrition and listening to my body. Hopefully you can find clarity as well.
Stories from the IBD Community
I’ve set off on a journey to interview others taking control of their health through diet and lifestyle changes. Most of those I’ve interviewed work as dietitians, nutritionists, and functional medicine doctors.
Every person’s story is different and unique which means each person’s path back to health will also be unique - there is still much we can learn from each other’s experiences!
My hope is that the stories shared here would give all of us new ways to look at how we approach our health. Whether you have been diagnosed with IBD, are caring for someone who has been, or are working in a healthcare setting we all have something to learn from these stories.