Dani Williamson

Wild & Well!

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Dani for a few years. The first thing I noticed about Dani was her zeal for life! She has truly found the secrets behind living “Wild and Well” and I can’t wait to get the inside scoop in her upcoming book!

About Dani Williamson:

Dani owns and operates Integrative Family Medicine in Franklin, TN. Her approach to living Wild and Well embodies a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual process to healing. She believes that God designed our bodies to heal themselves (I could not agree more!) and stresses the importance of eating real food.

In 1985 Dani was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and later diagnosed with lupus and depression. During the 24 years she struggled with chronic diarrhea she was never asked "Dani, what are you eating?". Since discovering the power of diet and lifestyle changes she has reversed all symptoms by healing her gut and building up her immune system.

Dani has dedicated her life to helping those with chronic conditions and is a highly sought-after speaker specializing in gut, adrenal, thyroid, hormone and brain health.

What was it like for Dani living with an "incurable" disease?

When Dani was diagnosed with lupus her provider told her “There is no cure for lupus Danielle. People die from this disease every year." Dani could hardly catch her breath before her provider continued, "Here are your medications... but just know these could damage your kidneys so we will have to check your kidneys and liver every six months.”

Dani had already had a traumatic childhood and with what then seemed like 24 years of never ending health issues without real answers she was defeated.

Years later, Dani now knows the power that diet and lifestyle changes had on her health. She believes that in spite of her struggles that God was laying out a path for her; that He was building out her story. All of the trauma and hardships she has faced in life has resulted in something greater than anything she could have imagined years ago – she now sees that her story has changed the lives of thousands! This stirs something deep within my soul - love it!

What was the most important lesson Dani learned in her fight with IBS and Lupus?

Dani has the BEST inspirational one-liners that I’ve heard from anyone! A few that stood out to me in my chat with her are as follows:

“What is at the end of your fork is way more powerful than what is at the bottom of your pill bottle!” and “Your diet will either heal you or kill you!”.

But probably the most important lesson Dani has learned that she wanted to share was: “You are not broken! You were not born broken and you are not broken!” She then used my story as an example saying “You might have been sick; you might have been down to 130 pounds; you might have felt as though you were on the edge – but you turned it around! And others can turn it around too!”

Dani is overflowing with hope and positivity – why? Because she has seen her life changed and seen countless lives changed too through diet and lifestyle.

What ideas from Dani's upcoming book “Wild & Well” did she think would be most beneficial for someone fighting IBD?

Dani’s book “Wild & Well” is full of tips and strategies for anyone dealing with chronic disease but also for anyone just wanting to live a fuller life! For those of us struggling with IBD, Dani has included additional content related to food allergies and sensitivities along with her recommendations for the best supplements for IBD (insider scoop... L-Glutamine!!). She also includes details on foods that boost the good bacteria in your gut and details on how to understand what sometimes seems like overwhelmingly complex lab results!

Dani ended our chat with one last challenge for all of us, “You’ve got to get rid of packaged, canned, processed, fake, man-made food that is in your pantry!” - challenge accepted!

Thanks Dani for chatting with us today! I for one can’t wait to live Wild & Well too.

Nathan's notes:

Dani's upcoming book "Wild and Well" is available for pre-order at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, Powell's, and Parnassus Books! In Wild and Well Dani provides a plethora of ideas for how we can eat well, sleep well, move well, poop well, de-stress well, and commune well.

  • Dani's Website: https://daniwilliamson.com/

  • Dani has a wonderful video series on Facebook called "Sunday Night Service" filled with fantastic insight and amazing guests (recently Dr. Terry Wahls was a guest!). You can view these amazing vlogs here.


Josh MacDonald


Ari Meisel