My Story with IBD
Fighting IBD Naturally
Life with Crohn’s Disease
Life is hard. Life rarely ever turns out the way we expect it to or hope it will but maybe that’s ok. Maybe it’s life’s way of challenging us to become better versions of ourselves - allowing us to grow from our struggles and then help others. After 20 years of battling Crohn’s disease along with all of the other pressures and disappointments of life I’m still trying learn this lesson myself. I hope that the failures, disappointments, and lessons learned I share here help in whatever journey you are on in life. Be blessed.

Stress Measurement
Having a chronic and incurable disease is not easy. In looking back over my journals from the second half of 2018 into the first part of 2019 it seemed as if I was always frustrated. It almost felt as if nothing could go my way. Thankfully God began to turn things around for me early 2019 but I still lived with a persistent low level of anxiety…